Will we find the Rainbow Connection?

The Muppets represent the best of our humanity through their wild joy and mayhem but ultimately they inspire us to look deep in our hearts and know our purpose. They are a crucial part in the psyche of our culture. They are loved by children and adults alike, enjoying cross-generational appeal. We have yet to find the Rainbow Connection.

The Rainbow Connection is sung by Kermit the Frog in Jim Henson’s first feature film. It’s a mystical lyric that speaks to us about our destiny and desires. The solution is found within this award winning anthem.

There are many people in America who feel like we are a ship lost at sea. We don’t know what to believe in or how to know our purpose. There is angst and frustration in our souls. We need permission to pursue our dreams. This is the Muppet’s audience.

People of all ages and backgrounds and their families are hungry for inspiration. The message of the Rainbow Connection can speak to our hearts in a deep way. Implementing it in great storytelling will meet the needs of the audience.

By tapping into that, we can all rediscover the magic and mystery of the Rainbow Connection. One day we will finally save the lovers, the dreamers and me.

For more info on this solution please contact me.

~ Jurri Schenck